Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Cd21.....went to doc for my blood draw so that she can check progesterone level....fingers crossed....holding my breath till Friday when get results.  im in the dreaded one week wait till AF is due.... as always I'm sure she'll show her ugly face.  So very, very discouraged.  Actually had someone tell me yesterday that the reason why we haven't become preggo is because God is punishing us..... Wow ok so guess all the crack whores, hookers, promiscuous teens, cheating wives, etc that fall pregnant  are being blessed because they have  led such pristine lives????  stupidity amazes me!


  1. Who was the dumb son of a fucker who said that? I'm gonna go kick their fucking low life ass!

  2. This woman I know back from the Baptist church that I used to attend....same church who told me I was going to hell for being divorced. Lol. Last time I checked, God is a forgiving God....right??? Have to admit she's gotten into my head with this last statement....so very discouraged right now. Normal AF cramps 5 days before have started.....

  3. You know it's the jackasses like her that are going to hell, not you, my love. Screw her and her sanctimonious self-righteous misguided imbecilic self!
