Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Feeling very discouraged...very blah....very I don't know.... Not very good at just sitting and waiting..... when my gut tells me the wait will probably lead to a big fat negative on the HPT test.... blah blah blah....  It doesn't help that the OPKs that I've taken do not match up to the temping I've been doing every morning.  I just don't understand....  according to temps...had a huge temp drop on cd12 and it's been on the rise ever since...and yet since Sunday had an almost near positive on OPK.... doesn't match up....  Just so frustrated.........


  1. Hey Jeanie,
    What if you stopped temping and just took your meds for a month. I think the temp taking & charting drives one batty!
    Might help you relax and let nature take course!

  2. Hey Pammie! Thanks!!!! I think you are absolutely right! It sure does drive a person batty!!! Especially when observable signs such as CM and temps don't match up to what stupid OPKs are saying! lol Leaves me wondering what the heck is wrong!!! I think I may just toss thermometer and opks out the window for the next cycle. I completely loathe Clomid....the bloating, ovary pain, hot flashes, weight gain, and near murderous moodiness is just insane! I am thankful that I am not a raging hormonal woman to begin with because this stuff I do believe would be the death of someone like that! lol
