Saturday, November 19, 2011

Trying to not get my hopes up.........

I'm on cd20 and it is becoming increasingly more difficult to not get my hopes up as I am getting closer and closer to the end of my cycle. Especially since I had a big temperature dip yesterday that coincides with around when there could be implantation so now I am consumed with wondering if it was an implantation dip..... or just a fluke....add to that the fact that I was nauseated off and on all day yesterday....which from what I've read can coincide with implantation....Ugh~ add to that the fact that I am not experiencing any breast soreness that usually begins a week before my period starts. All of these leaves me so very hopeful and yet my brain keeps tellilng me "stop being so stupid Jeanie"... Guess we will know more in about a week.... I feel extremely foolish for allowing myself to get my hopes up....but how can I not be hopeful...We want this so badly....and man it would be the best birthday present for Art!  I need to come on back to reality though.... and realize that I'm just grasping at straws and that it will probably be another big fat negative....


  1. Remember, if it's twins or more, I get one! Rumplestiltskin is my name...Good luck!

  2. Totally normal to get hopeful, and there's nothing wrong with that. Best of luck baby doll.

  3. Well today is usual pre-AF cramping like usual and no usual breast soreness...temp still up. I just don't know what to think. I'm so very scared to hope and then be disapppointed. I am telling myself it is up to God...if he wants to bless us with a baby it will happen. I just sure hope he wants to!!!! The next 6 days or so are gonna be nerve wracking!
